道親分享 01/20轉載
仙佛慈語 Merciful words from Saints

生 命要有深度,要有廣度,而且還要有「明度」。明白的明、光明的明。明白自己,凡事要清清楚楚,掌握自己的每一個心念,清楚 自己的一動一靜,要讓自己有明度,而且要有廣度,這是兼備的。如果今天你光有明度,只是知道清楚,漸漸地,你會變得敏感,當你變敏感的時候,就會被情緒弄 得團團轉。如果你沒有廣度,便沒有辦法包容,希望你們有明度,也要有深度,還要有廣度。不僅明白自己,還要包容自己,不僅明白別人,也要關懷別人、寬容別 人。
Life has to have depth and breadth as well as clearness and brightness. Be clear about yourself, be clear on everything, and be in command of every rising thought. Be clear on every action and every inaction; let yourself have brightness and breadth, both are concurrent and necessary. If you only have brightness, and are just clear and aware, you will gradually, become over sensitive. When you are too sensitive, you will be muddled and entangled by your emotions. If you don't have breadth, then you cannot accommodate and tolerate. Holy Teacher hopes you all have brightness and depth, as well as breadth. Be clear not only about yourself, but also tolerate and forgive yourself. Not only understand others, but also care, tolerate, and forgive others.
Face everything you do with a joyful heart. Life is not always perfect. So, accept this imperfection with a joyful heart. Then you can grow. Use a joyful heart to observe defects, and transcend them. Therefore, you should tolerate the bad, and delightfully accept the good.
Our parents are major benefactors in our life, and the debt of gratitude that we owe them will never be paid off. We should not only take good care of their physical life providing them with good food and shelter, but we should also make them feel a sense of joy and security.
What your parents need from you is not the three meals you provide for them, but the consideration you show to them.
我 們沒錢要多做善事,多存好心,改變我們的命運;要勤儉持家,東西可以吃就不要浪費,衣服還好的就要去珍惜,不要隨便丟掉。 If we don't have much money, we have to do good deeds more often, usually keep kind hearts, and we can change our destiny. We should be diligent and frugal in managing household. Don't waste food if it is edible; don't throw away the clothes if they are wearable.